STASS - Songs Of Flesh And Decay

80 kr.

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Varenummer (SKU): EMZ19LP Kategorier: , ,
Release date: January 15th – 2021

If you join one of the most prolific and talented guitar players in the Swedish death metal scene – Rogga Johansson (Paganizer, Ribspreader, Revolting, Down Among The Dead Man) – with one of the most memorable and recognizable voices in the metal history – Felix Stass (Crematory) – what do you get? STASS, an old-school death metal band with a pedigree. “Songs Of Flesh And Decay”, the group’s second album, turn left in regards to the sound of their debut. The songs are heavier and catchier, leaning towards the mythical old Sunlight Studio sound. Still melodic but with the groove and grit from the old Swedish sound, both in songwriting and in the album’s sound. Full-on dirty and massive sound for the true old-school death metal fans!

“Songs Of Flesh And Decay” will be released by Emanzipation Productions, on January 15th, 2021.





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