SAMHAIN - The Courier

180 kr.

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Varenummer (SKU): EMZ84LP Kategorier: ,

**Release date: August 4 – 2023**

Fans of 80s original death/thrash metal rejoice! The long-awaited album release of the demo tapes from
legendary band Samhain (later known as Desexult) is finally here.

Despite never achieving a record deal in its prime, Danish act Samhain gained a devoted following and
became a household name in the underground thrash and death metal scene playing with acts such as
Kreator, Pestilence, Imperator, Illdisposed, Exumer, Mezzrow and Invocator. Now, for the first time,
diehard metal fans can experience the raw power of Samhain’s early recordings on vinyl.

The album features all songs from the band’s first two demo tapes, recorded in 1985 and 1986. Remastered
for maximum audio quality by one of metal’s finest: None other than ex-Desexult drummer and metal
producer par excellence Tue Madsen at Antfarm Studio (Rob Halford, Sick Of It All, The Haunted, VioLence, etc.), this is as trve as it gets.

The release also includes extensive liner notes from metal notables and rare photos from the band’s early days.
“Samhain helped us kickstart our career because they believed in metal! Forever thankful and I‘m happy
to see their music being re-released. Hail Samhain!” Mille Petrozza, Kreator

“Way better musicianship and production than on the first Hellhammer demos. You guys were already way
ahead of them. This shit is heavy as shit. In a primitive, good way!” Monte Conner, metal industry legend

“Viewed through the prism of time; good god, this is what modern ultra-underground bands today are
trying so hard to emulate!” Bazillion Points, metal blog

“This is the kind of riffs bands like Obituary have made a career out of touring with for 30 years. Samhain
played those riffs way earlier. And Obituary fucking rules!” Tue Madsen, producer, Antfarm Studio

A1. Plague Of Messiah
A2. Prince Of Evil
A3. Salvation
A4. Evil Courier
B1. Fateful Day
B2. Megalomania
B3. Rebirth
B4. Ground Zero


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