MACERATION - It Never Ends…

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Varenummer (SKU): EMZ74CD Kategorier: ,

Release date: November 25 – 2022

It’s official. Maceration hiatus is over and the Danish death metal band will release their new album ”It Never Ends…” November 25th featuring death metal legend Dan Swanö – Edge Of Sanity, Bloodbath etc. – as a vocalist. This happens 30 years after the release of their debut and only studio album this far. The Danish band played a pivotal role in the local death metal scene, being among the pioneers of the style in Denmark. Their “A Serenade Of Agony” album, also with Dan Swanö on vocals and members of pioneers Invocator, paved the way for a whole generation of Danish death metal bands to follow.

“We are back with our second album. A perfect timing, 30 years, after the debut album, and off course very important for us that the album again is featuring Dan Swanö on lead vocals. It has been a very exciting experience to record this album and get to be working with Dan again. I think this is actually the first time Dan is back growling on an album since the Edge of Sanity days, so this is very special”, says Jakob Schultz, guitarist, ex Invocator, and one of the original members of Maceration.

This year, in the frenzy of the “A Serenade Of Agony” re-release, the live album “Live Disfigurements” (recovering long, historical concerts recordings) and the book “Incombustible Remains” (telling the story of the band’s first concert, opening for DarkThrone), Maceration reformed and are back in business. The band already played important festivals in Denmark such as Metal Magic and Death Coast. And still got time to write and record a new album. In this album, to be released this fall via Emanzipation, to which Maceration just signed a record deal, Dan Swanö (ex-Edge Of Sanity, Bloodbath) is back as a session lead vocalist, just as on the debut album, and also as the producer. The album is mixed and mastered by Dan Swanö in his own Unisound studio, where he also recorded the vocals.

“At the time of the initial request I had given up singing all together, and especially growling, but since Maceration was the first album session job I ever did as a vocalist, back in 1991, I felt that I needed to be on this album, so I decided to sign on for the growling duties, as well as the sound duties, and pay my respects not only to the band for choosing me to sing on their first album, but also to finally singing on a full-on top notch HM-2 death metal release”, Dan Swanö says about his role as session vocalist and producer on the upcoming album. “I must say that that it sounds so much better than I ever though possible, given that I really haven’t used this particular style of growling since the mid 90’s and combined with the awesome riffing and the world-class drumming, it sometimes teleported me back to the vibe I had when I recorded the vocals for Edge of Sanity’s “Unorthodox” back in 1991”, Swanö explains.

The cover artwork for “It Never Ends…” was done by the Swedish artist Ola Larsson, also known for his work for bands like Sulphur Aeon, Temple Of Void and Disma. His creation for Maceration’s new album sums of the atmosphere of diabolical forces from the underworlds beyond in a very unique and intense way, combining the grotesque with the darkest corners of your mind.

The live Maceration lineup is comprised of original Maceration members, lead guitarist Jakob Schultz (ex-Invocator) and rhythm guitarist Lars Bangsholt. The new line-up features also bassplayer Robert Tengs, drummer Rasmus Schmidt (Illdisposed, ex-Myrkur) and singer Jan Bergmann Jepsen (ex-Cor Vacante), who also sings on the album, on the title track and on the song “Tender Twigs Of Innocence”, together with Swanö.


1. Lost In Depravity
2. Epiphany Of The Past
3. Arcane Secrets
4. It Never Ends…
5. Engulfed In Agony
6. A Sacrifice Of Pity
7. On The Edge Of Nothing
8. Tender Twigs Of Innocence
9. Monolith Of The Cursed


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