Release date: April 29 – 2022
In “Stone Orange”, Vulcano revisits their four-decade dedication to Metal. The thrash, speed & old-school black metal fusion flow perfectly and naturally throughout the record, guaranteed to give the listener involuntary headbanging movements.
Rhythm sections and pace sometimes complex, sometimes subtle, show evidence of Vulcano’s very own style. On one hand sheer intensity, speed, and cruelty; on the other hand, complexity, feeling, and even some flirting with ingenuity – and above all, a great sense of honesty in all they do. When the rhythm sections need to get trampled, the Brazilian five-piece isn’t afraid to do it – and this is perhaps one of the features of the 80’s composition freedom that most remain in Vulcano’s essence.
Produced by Zhema and Ivan Pellicciotti at O Beco Estúdios and mastered by Marco Angioni at Angioni Studios, “Stone Orange” is a trip to different rhythms, one of Vulcano’s trademarks, moving freely between traditional heavy metal and the most extreme death/black metal, working amazingly well.
The themes in the album range between obscure hermeticism and cliche, where the subjective language and the suggestive power of words is as important as their actual meaning. Guitarist and band founder Zhema Rodero has a unique ability to deliver short sentences that get across the message in a perfect way.
“Stone Orange brings the early ‘80s atmosphere closer to the band’s maturing without being bored or seasick”, Zhema declares. “It’s really a storm of common riffs laid out in a brilliant way”, Zhema states.
Vulcano is a band that, by now, doesn’t need any introductions to any metal fan. It’s enough to say they got together in a middle of a turbulent socio-economical turmoil in Brazil, in 1982, in the city of Santos. Thus it’s a 40-year career, 13 studio albums, four live records, and two 7” EPs, that just couldn’t be summed up in a few lines.
They were pioneers in Brazil and even in South America as a whole, putting in the most extreme metal stepping stone for bands that came after them and continue being formed. Their importance is also capital in the formation of the Norwegian second wave of black metal, with few of its key members citing the Brazilians as a direct influence.
“Stone Orange” is Vulcano’s 19th overall release in their career. How many bands can get to this mark and still be as relevant as the Brazilian extremists are today?
1. Metal Seeds
2. Putrid Angels Ritual
3. Tear Gas
4. Keep Mind
5. A Night In A Metal Gig
6. 7 Seconds In Hell
7. Stone Orange
8. Trigger Of Violence
9. Night Terror With Satan
10. Rebels From 80’s
11. Ship Of Dead
12. The Altar Of Defiance
13. Witches Don’t Lie
14. Lives Moves Towards Death
15. 418
16. Vulcano Will Live Forever
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