NONEXIST - Like The Fearless Hunter

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Varenummer (SKU): PMZ337CD Kategorier: ,

Release date: August 28 – 2020

Tracklist CD:

Strictly Sadistic Intent
Together We Shall Burn
Dark Satanic Mills
Emerging from a World Below
Litany of Poison
Fear Corrodes the Soul
A Meditation upon Death
Bloody Carnal Sorcery
Dead Black Embrace
Cancerous  Disembodiment
Reduced to Ash


For fans of Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquility and Morbid Angel

Nonexist was formed in 2000 when Johan Reinholdz presented some death/thrashmetal demo-tracks for Bengt ”Wez” Wenedikter of Swedish WAR-music (Darkane, Defleshed, Naglfar etc). Reinholdz’ other band Andromeda had recently signed a deal with WAR and now it was time for Nonexist to sign the papers. Ex-Arch Enemy/Furbowl/Carnage vocalist Johan Liiva was recruited along with Dark Funeral/Defleshed-drummer Matte Modin.

With no rehearsing under their belts the guys entered Abyss Studios in November 2001 and cut the tracks for the debutalbum “Deus Deceptor”, which was released in May 2002.

Following the release of the album Nonexist became nonexistent as the members went their separate ways. Reinholdz with Andromeda, Liiva with Hearse and Modin with Dark Funeral and Raised Fist among others. Reinholdz continued to write songs during the years to come, most of which were discarded though.

However, in 2009 a collection of Nonexist-songs that were up to snuff emerged, the title “From My Cold Dead Hands” came about and Reinholdz started focusing on getting a sophomore album finished. In 2011 Liiva joined the band again and a contract was signed with American label Pivotal Rockorings. 2012 was spent cutting the album at Multipass Studios with Reinholdz producing and mixing. “From My Cold Dead Hands” was released in November. Nonexist made their first gig ever at the Scorched Tundra Festival in Gothenburg, Sweden in December 2012. Around this time, the band’s music also made its way onto the videogame Rock Band.

Early 2013 the band signed with Japanese label Trooper Entertainment for a physical release of the album. This edition of “From My Cold Dead Hands” features three bonus tracks: cover-versions of Coroner’s Masked Jackal, Merciless’ “Realm of the Dark” and Eucharist’s “Greeting Immortality”.

In 2014 Nonexist started recording album number three entitled “Throne of Scars”. The style of the songs retained the atmosphere from the previous album; dark, intense, varied and heavy while also adding some new influences in the mix. The band signed a deal with Danish label Mighty Music, who released it in the autumn of 2015.

In November 2015 Johan Liiva quit the band and Reinholdz took over the frontman-duties doing both guitar and vocals in the studio and also live – where the band now is active with Faithful Darkness-members Johan Aldgård and Joakim Strandberg Nilsson, as well as Andromeda-bassplayer Linus Abrahamson completing the line-up.

With Reinholdz now also doing tbe vocals Nonexist has releasedThe New Flesh” EP, “In Prase of Death” EP and now the band’s fourth full-length album is due, entitled Like the Fearless Hunter.


The new album takes off in the dark and violent death metal vein of the last ep, but also contains crushing midtempo-heaviness – (“Together We Shall Burn”), melodic thrashmetal-mayhem (“Strictly Sadistic Intent”), hyperspeed hardcore/punk-spiced violence (“Litany of Poison”) as well as sombre, progressive darkness (“Emerging from a World Below”) and even some instrumental shredding (“Fear Corrodes the Soul”).

The album is also graced and enhanced by the presence of some truly terrific guests: Mikael Stanne, Rogga Petersson, Chris Amott and Markus Johnsson to name a few.

Sales points:

– New album by Nonexist. Fronted by Dark Tranquility guitarist Johan Reinholdz

– Guest appearance by Mikael Stanne (Dark Tranquility), Chris Amott (Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquility)


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