LUCER - The New World

80 kr.

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Varenummer (SKU): PMZ361CD Kategorier: ,

Release date: May 20th – 2022

On “The New World”, the pure rock sound that many know from Lucer’s debut album is
accompanied by both electrobeats and sync effects – and that is exactly the common thread
throughout the album. It’s the sound of rock a la 2022, and a band that has really found their DNA.
“On our new album, we still have the song writing in focus rather than the form and sound. This time
we have teamed up with one of the most talented producers in Denmark to give the album exactly
the universe and the common thread that was a bit missing on “Ghost Town”. We are both harder
and at the same time more mainstream than ever before” says bassist, vocalist Lasse Bøgemark.
The new sound is largely due to the collaboration with producer Christoffer Stjerne (H.E.R.O.), who,
according to Lucer, have a different approach in the studio than they have been used to. He is not
shy on challenging the band and trying out new approaches, and that is exactly what has created
“The New World”.

“The album has been created during lockdown, so it has been obvious for us to name it after the
new world we all live in. The ball has come over on our side, and the 10 songs that are on the album
are all an expression of Lucer has landed the place Lucer should be”, Lasse continues.

Like Lucer’s first two albums, the latest in the series is also created with live performances in mind.
The Copenhagen rock band has made a name for themselves both at home and abroad with their
explosive energy and amazing performances – and it does not stop with “The New World”. On the
contrary. “The New World” is concocted by a more adult Lucer, who has found their own way after
a few years of searching, and who is now finally ready to present it to the rest of the world – with the
big scenes in the spotlight.


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