JUSTIFY REBELLION - The End Justify The Means

80 kr.

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Varenummer (SKU): PMZ327LP Kategorier: ,

Release date: March 27th – 2019

The Ends Justify The Means…

…such is the name of the brand new heavy metal album by Denmark’s hard hitting heavy metal band Justify Rebellion. The rebellion is here to stay, proven by this monstrosity of a heavy metal album, which takes its inspiration from several metal genres. With this album you can easily tell that the kids from the first album “Unleashing The Beast’ have grown into testosterone-filled heavy metal hailers. Their new album is mainly centered on the darker aspects of humanity and society, with the topics on the record varying from greed, war, lust and drugs to vulnerability and self-realization.

The riffs are heavier, the solos are faster, the drums are punchier, and the bass is rumbling its way to mayhem. Never has Justify Rebellion felt so strong and powerful! With this masterpiece of a track list, nothing can take these guys down. Justify Rebellion has turned up the pace, but also made room for some thunderous and slower anthems for fans to break their necks to.


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