CHRONICLE - Where Chaos Thrives

180 kr.

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Varenummer (SKU): PMZ386LP Kategorier: , , ,

Release date: May 19 – 2023

2023 will be known for a lot of things. And among all of them, the slight “detail” that will be
Chronicle’s third full-length album, “Where Chaos Thrives”, will likely put melodic/technical death
metal fans in a frenzy. The record elevates the young Danes’ sound to a new level of brutality and
technicality, enhanced by the superior production, mixing and mastering done by Tue Madsen
(Meshuggah, The Haunted, The Black Dahlia Murder). With artwork done by Samuel Nelson
(Allegaeon, First Fragment, Vale Of Pnath), “Where Chaos Thrives” has all the right ingredients in
the right quantities to be a pure death metal onslaught.

The sound of Chronicle is a ferocious combination of melodic death metal and technical
thrash elements. Lightning fast drums, soaring solos and catchy guitar harmonies are the key
ingredients in this cocktail of heaviness. The band consists of competent players, who each have
many years of experience performing in front of crowds of all sizes. The band’s energetic live
shows reveal a true passion for performing and each member of the band is determined to make
every performance unique and energetic. Chronicle has played all over Denmark including some
of the best metal events and festivals the country has to offer and also ventured into German

Prepare yourself for the death metal sweeping winds of “Where Chaos Thrives”, a true extreme
metal masterpiece to be remembered for years to come.

1. Usher In The End
2. Evolution In Reverse
3. Terrorform
4. The Black Tide
5. Vestigial
6. New Dark Age
7. Life Erasure
8. Horror Unearthed
9. Where Chaos Thrives


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